hossamko7shop is a promising market that contains the best digital products and services carefully selected according to special quality standards and reasonable prices. The site has a policy of reducing sales fees for merchants to very nominal rates - unlike other sites whose commissions range from 20% to 40% or more. This enables our merchants to offer their products at lower than market prices.
The company is considered at the forefront of platforms that provide the sale and purchase of digital products in the Arab world, as the hossamko7shop platform attracts thousands of visitors every month who are interested in digital products, and the site is growing very quickly due to the increase in the number of Internet shoppers in the Middle East.
Hossamko7shop was founded in 2007 and was a pioneer in e-commerce and e-marketing. Then, with the company's rapid growth, the site transformed in early 2015 into a platform model that allows all digital product owners of all kinds to showcase their business on the store and help us with this step. Our long experience in managing various e-commerce systems for several years.
hossamko7shop is a company registered in the Arab Republic of Egypt and Saudi Arabia and is based in Egypt, Jeddah and Istanbul in Turkey as its main administrative headquarters, while Jordan embraces the technical development team, and the rest of the work team, partners and suppliers of the company are spread in most Arab countries.