What information is requested from you?
When you want to order a product, you must register on our site, and then we ask you for some information such as name, e-mail and private addresses.
And you can browse the site if you want without registering.
Why do we request this information?
To receive a copy of your purchase information, order confirmation message and payment, and also to receive a newsletter of new products.
We also ask for address information to facilitate delivery of your orders as quickly as possible without delay.
Note: If at any time you wish to cancel the e-mail service, you can do so by logging in to your account page and canceling the sign-up for mailing newsletters.
Do we disclose the information?
None of your personal information is sold or transferred to any outside party, but this does not include the delivery companies that we deal with to complete our services and deliver your purchases to you.
We pledge not to disclose your information to any party or site for the purpose of marketing, advertising, etc.
After your registration, you have agreed to the privacy terms, and you will be notified in the event of changing them or adding anything new.
customers service
Please contact the customer service department if you need any immediate assistance
Working days and hours: From Monday to Saturday - 10h: 00 am to 21h: 00 pm